Formerly her four-year-old son Oscar's room, Bex had turned the room into a 'dumping ground' after her son moved into a bigger room in their house. It soon became filled with various bits and pieces, but after a career-change, Bex needed to turn it into a nursery.

After creating Little Snapdragons Childminding, Bex has been working on turning the room into a place for babies to nap during the day.

She said: "I’ve always wanted to work with kids, they’re my passion really! I never had the confidence, nor did I think I had the space. So I got a job working at Lost World in Serpentine Green but now I’ve been furloughed. Someone made a comment that made me realise I was working with children but it wasn’t quite enough and I kept telling myself I didn’t have space.

"My fiance and I split up earlier this year and after he moved out I realised I did actually have the space but my house was just filled with junk.

"When I first started doing the room I was overwhelmed. I started off doing a box a day but it didn’t seem to go down.

"I had recycled some laminate from my previous home and I asked a friend to let me know when they could help me with it. They agreed the first weekend of August so I set myself a deadline, but I ended up doing it in one day because I kept putting it off. I've now cleared out the room and most of it has gone in the bin."

Bex continued: "I’ve re-used all the bedding from my son's room, but the laminate has been used from my home two years ago because when I moved I ripped it up and it’s been in the garage for two years, so I just had to buy tools and underlay. To do the room up cost £170 in total. That’s including £32 for the tools and underlay and then little bits of furniture, the rug, décor etc.

"Earlier this year, when my fiance moved out in January, I was in a bad place and I think that’s why the house ended up being such a state because with poor mental health it influences it. I wouldn't say I’m depressed now and I think doing bits in the house makes a massive difference.

"When you’ve got poor mental health you end up letting your surroundings get messy, it’s a vicious cycle. But now the room is my favourite room in the house and now I want to do so much more."

Bex has since started working on doing up her bedroom, she has done her hallway, Oscar's room and her bedroom is next. Bex has also been upcycling various items in her home, including an IKEA toy kitchen for her childminding business.

Bex is hoping to launch her childminding business in September and wants to get her business going as soon as she is able.