A new 34-bed hotel is being planned in Peterborough city centre on Westgate just outside the Queensgate shopping centre.

This comes as a planning application was put in this week on behalf of Gujjar Investments LTD with the City Council, seeking to convert the two upper vacant floors of 35Westgate.

The lower floor of the building is occupied by several retail shops including Kings Car taxis.

As per plans, a 34-bedroom hotel along with a new front roof extension to create a fourth floor, a two-storey rear extension to create four floors along with associated internal and associated external alterations including the insertion of new windows is to be created.

There are plans for a modest reception, plant room and linen facilities as well.

It also suggests, the hotel will be accessed through a main staircase lobby leading directly from the main road of Westgate. The bedroom sizes will vary between 14m to 26msquare in area.  

However, there are no parking provisions in this plan and the applicant suggests nearby public car parks can be utilised by anyone wishing to do so.

The planning statement says: “The proposal would result in a number of public benefits helping to support the vitality and viability of the city centre as a whole, including the re-use of vacant upper floors, the provision of visitor accommodation, and permanent new employment.”

The decision on the hotel plans is yet to be decided by the council planning committee.

Previous applications for 35 Westgate 

Previously, Gujjar Investments Litd applied for a taxi office at 35 Westgate, which was approved despite several objections and protests from Hackney cab drivers in Peterborough.

The application was first submitted in 2021 where Gujjar Investments Ltd had applied for a ground floor retail shop and associated alterations to form 6x retail units and taxi cab office, and a change of use of second floor to restaurant and associated external alterations. These were rejected amid huge protests from city cabbies who felt the office would add strain to their already ‘challenged’ business.

The rejection of the plan also took in consideration of concerns of potential crime, perceived anti-social behaviour, and impact on existing taxi companies.

A subsequent application for the plans was given the green light in January 2022, following which King Cars established their office on 35 Westgate.