A shoplifter who stole almost £1,000 worth of products from a Peterborough Co-op and threatened staff in Aldi has been jailed. 

Mark Moss, 36, was arrested on November 26 after police received a 999 call about shop staff in Aldi, near Eye, being threatened by a man with needles. 

Staff had asked Moss to leave the premises after having been caught stealing on previous occasions, when he threatened to smash up one of their cars and spat at another. 

Response officers were deployed and located Moss near his home in Parnwell and arrested him on suspicion of assault. 

He was further arrested while in police custody in connection with 13 thefts from Co-op in Eye and three thefts from Pets Corner at Peterborough One Retail Park. 

Two days later, Moss, of Branston Rise, Parnwell, appeared at Cambridge Magistrates’ Court where he was sentenced to 24 weeks in prison and ordered to pay £210 in compensation to Pets Corner and £1,040 to Coop after pleading guilty to 17 offences: 

  • Theft of Otodex eardrops worth £30.57 from Pets Corner at Peterborough One Retail Park, Eye Road, on September 20.
  • Two counts of theft of dog food worth £89.99 from Pets Corner at Peterborough One Retail Park, Eye Road, on September 29 and November 6.
  • Five counts of theft of meat worth £320 from Co-op in High Street, Eye, on 4, 12, 17 and 18 November.
  • Six counts of theft of washing powder worth £420 from Co-op in High Street, Eye, on 5, 7, 9, 14 and 18 November
  • Theft of coffee and meat worth £200 from Co-op in High Street, Eye, on November 17.
  • Theft of chocolate from Co-op in High Street, Eye, on November 19.
  • Failing to provide a sample for a class A drugs test upon arrest on November.
  • He appeared at Peterborough Magistrates’ Court today (Tuesday) where he was sentenced to an additional four weeks in prison after admitting making threats to destroy property and assault, both relating to the incident at Aldi on November 26. 

He was also made subject of a two-year Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) which bans him from entering the Co-op in Eye High Street and Aldi in One Retail Park, including both of their car parks. 

PC Bradley Bucknell, who investigated, said: “Moss’s behaviour has been brazen, stealing from local businesses and threatening staff who tried to stop him.

"He showed no remorse for his actions but hopefully will have some time to reflect in prison. 

“Due to the volume and repeat offending, we applied to the courts for a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) to be put in place which imposes strict conditions on Moss. If these are breached, it is an arrestable offence which could result in further time in prison.” 

Anyone with information about Moss breaching the CBO should contact police via the web chat service or online forms at www.cambs.police.uk/report. Those without internet access should call 101.