An independent investigation is underway into the death of a prisoner in custody at HMP Peterborough.  

Raymond Cheshire, 56, died at Peterborough City Hospital on April 21, 2024, a hearing held to open his inquest revealed. 

Simon Milburn, an area coroner for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, explained the results of a post-mortem examination are pending and no cause of death was cited.  

Mr Cheshire's inquest opening was held on Thursday (May 9) at Peterborough Town Hall where a review hearing was set for November 13.   

“I’m adjourning this case to that date,” Mr Milburn said.   

Meanwhile, the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman says it has commenced an investigation into Mr Cheshire’s death.   

 The Ministry of Justice confirmed he was in custody at HMP Peterborough, but was unable to share information about his criminal activities or sentence.