A beggar who threatened to kill a café worker in Peterborough city centre has been jailed.

Lee Chignell, 33, was outside Bear Coffee Shop in Cathedral Square on Wednesday morning (May 15), begging customers for money when he was asked by one of them to leave.

He turned to a man and said, “I will be back with a knife”, before leaving and returning about five minutes later.

The man commented that he feared Chignell now had a weapon, which was overheard by a nearby off-duty police officer who arrested Chignell on suspicion of a public order offence, while the customer dialled 999 requesting urgent assistance for the officer.

On-duty response officers arrived and took Chignell to March Police Station where he was further arrested after information came to light about an incident in Café Nero, also in Cathedral Square, just before his arrest.

Chignell reached across the counter and attempted to steal a ‘tips’ jar but was stopped by a member of staff.

Not wanting to give up the jar, Chignell shouted “give me your money”, “I’ve been in here before with a knife and I’m going to come back with a knife now and kill you”, before leaving.

Chignell, of no fixed address, appeared at Huntingdon Magistrates’ Court on Friday (May 17) where he was jailed for 26 weeks after admitting making threats to kill, attempted theft, and using abusive or threatening behaviour.

He also admitted a charge of criminal damage relating to an incident at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge on April 25 where he lashed out in the A&E waiting room and destroyed a wall light.

PC Kieran O’Shaughnessy, who investigated, said: “Tackling violence and abuse directed at those working in the city centre is a current priority for the City Centre Neighbourhood Policing Team who are working hard to reduce anti-social behaviour, including begging, in the area to make it a nicer and safer place for those visiting the city and working there.

“Chignell’s behaviour was completely unacceptable, I would like to thank the off-duty officer who intervened and managed to detain Chignell before uniformed support arrived.”