Peterborough City Hospital has created a dementia-friendly ward for patients living with the condition. 

Wall and doors have been wrapped with colourful, nature inspired stickers to help transform clinical environments into ‘dementia friendly’ spaces.

The refurbishment was funded by the North West Anglia Hospitals' Charity, which relies on donations, fundraising and legacies received from patients, hospital staff, their relatives and the general public.

Research has shown that providing a more homely setting has a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of patients both mentally and physically.

Alison Gray, Dementia Specialist Nurse at North West Anglia Trust, said: “Developing the ward space into a calming and therapeutic area will evoke memories of being in a comfortable in a familiar environment, and the calming effect it can have, is amazing. 

"When a person living with dementia is trying to make sense of the world around them, their immediate surroundings can make all the difference to their quality of life.

Vivienne Carter, Housekeeper on Ward A3 added: "The wall graphics have provided a more welcoming, lovely environment for our patients. The disguised exit and entrance doors work also well for distraction and re-direction therapy.”