A man who was found to be in possession of a knife has been given a two-month curfew.

Ashley McMillan, 29, was spotted by CCTV operators in the early hours of March 23 concealing a knife on himself in Peterborough city centre.

The operators tracked him to the underpass in Bridge Street where he was intercepted by officers and arrested for being in possession of a knife after one was found in his coat pocket.

McMillan was charged with the offence and appeared at Peterborough Magistrates’ Court on Friday (May 17), where he was sentenced to a 12-month community order which requires him to complete a 15-day Rehabilitation Activity Requirement (RAR).

He has also been made subject of a daily curfew which requires him to be at his home address in Oundle Road, Woodston, between 7pm and 7am for two months.

PC Harry Johnson, who investigated, said: “Thanks to the teamwork of CCTV operators and police, we were able to locate and arrest McMillan quickly.

“If you have any concerns or information on someone who may be carrying a weapon, I urge you to report it to us to help us in tackling the issue.”

Anyone with concerns or information about someone who carries a weapon can report via the force’s dedicated weapons information webpage.