The free webinar tomorrow, starting at 4pm, has been organised by Cambridgeshire Deaf, Camsight, Hunts Society for the Blind, Peterborough Association for the Blind, Cambridgeshire Hearing Help and Deafblind UK.

It will focus on people with visual and hearing impairment who have until now not ventured out to shop.

Organisers said: "There will be a short presentation from organisations for visual, hearing and deafblind followed by a Q & A session. The webinar will not be too long because we appreciate time is of the essence whilst you prepare to open up your businesses.

"It is free to register and attend. If you have any colleagues with business that would benefit then please forward the information to them.

"We hope that you will join the webinar and we wish you every success with the re-opening of your business.

For more information go to